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Writer's picturePooja Sharma Kautia


What is "Key to Success"?

The most important determining factor needed to achieve or accomplish success.

Passion, vision, preparation, courage, perseverance and integrity are the top 6 principles which, once applied to your everyday life, will change your life for the better.

The secret to being successful is different for each individual. The basic principle however, remains the same. The actions of the individual determines which door is opening for them with their secret key.

The key to success in life is linked to both your personal and work life.

Let's find out what you can do to make your home a success.

Home is where the heart is, where we feel the most at ease, where laughter resides and stress is not welcomed.

After a long day at work we rush to our home to find that peace of mind.

However, our laziness and habits can really affect this peace of mind.

Key to success at home:

- Declutter

Remove unnecessary items and make the living space tidy.

- Make a plan

Think, understand and write down what successful life at home means to you. Make a plan on how you can achieve that. Start small, ensure the foundation of your plan is strong.

- Develop good habits

Often good habits are a key factor in success. Develop good habits like waking up early, looking after your health by going to the gym or morning walk, have plants at home, nurture them. Think and write what good habits can work for you.

- Keep your kitchen functional

Our mind and body both need to work in sync to be successful. A functional kitchen provides you with fresh and healthy food. Food that keeps you energised and boosts your mood.

Try to eat more fresh food and see the change in your energy.

- Create a learning corner

This is one of my favourite keys. A quiet learning corner. Success comes to those who are not afraid to learn each day.

Make space in your home with a comfortable chair, a plant, some inspiring books and enjoy reading time everyday.

- Invest genuinely in relationships

At home, at work and in your social life, invest in people you interact with. A relationship should not always be about what you can gain from it.

Be genuine and helpful to others as much as you would like them to be towards you. Sometimes you need a friend with no connections but excellent listening skills, he or she will always support you when times are tough.

Let's find out what you can do to make your work a success.

Success at work is often judged based on the promotions one gets during their tenure.

True success however, is knowing that the people you work with appreciate you, value your input and respect your decisions.

Going to a workplace where your creativity is nurtured is success.

Key to success at work

- Be A Team Player

A team player is someone who cares more about helping a group or team to succeed than about his or her own individual success.

To become a team player you must be willing to help, support and guide your team to success.

- Respect Time And Be Punctual

"Time and tide wait for no man."- Geoffrey Chaucer

If you do not respect the time commitments and show up late for work or meetings, eventually the word will go out and you will miss out on opportunities of growth in your career.

Make a conscious effort and decision to be always on time. Find out the obstacles and make changes in your routine to avoid delay.

- Have A Positive Attitude

Positive attitude improves the way people view you as a person.

To achieve this you need to be respectful towards the people you work with, be committed to your job and be helpful.

- Follow Business Etiquette

Business etiquette simply put is a soft skill of set rules that governs the way business interacts with one another, customers, suppliers, partners and service providers.

Introduce yourself in a business meeting, always use "Please and Thank you", double check your emails before you press the send.

- Understand Company's Culture

A company's culture sets the tone for how people behave and work together, function as a team and build success for the organisation.

To learn a company's culture before joining, pay attention to their tagline, read their blogs, check their career site and seek out employee feedback.

- Know Your Strength And Weakness

When you spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you get to know yourself better. This helps you make decisions which reflect your true self and make you happy.

Understand your true self, make a list of your skills, write down what agitates you, talk to people you trust, take personality tests.

Follow us at Luxury Learnings to learn more.


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